These resources include reports, videos, books, and other readings. This list is by no means exhaustive but has been curated with the guidance of the Foundation’s cultural and historical subject matter experts. Certain resources may contain content that some may find disturbing. As part of our nation’s history, this material is part of a holistic learning opportunity.
National Park Service Documents
American Indians and the Civil War
Roberts, G. L. (2013). National Park Service/Department of the Interior.
General Management Plan / Environmental Assessment
(June 2015). National Park Service/Department of the Interior.
The result of seven years of consultations and community input. The GMP contains an excellent historical summary of the Sand Creek Massacre.
(2000). National Park Service.
The document presented to Congress in preparation for the establishment act of 2000. The Site Location Study contains a number of oral history interviews.
Cheyenne and Arapaho References
Cheyenne Dog Soldiers: A Ledgerbook History of Coups and Combat
Afton, Jean; Halaas, David Fridtjof; Masich, Andrew. E. Colorado Historical Society and University Press of Colorado. 1997.
Including Appendix A: Chronology of Cheyenne Military Actions 1864-1869.
The Southern Cheyennes
Berthrong, Donald J. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 1963.
Cheyennes at Dark Water Creek: The Last Fight of the Red River War
Chalfant, William Y. Forward Fr. Peter John Powell. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 1997.
Cheyennes and Horse Soldiers: The 1857 Expedition and the Battle of Solomon’s Fork
Chalfant, William Y. Forawrd Robert M. Utley. Red River Books, University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 1989, 2002.
Chief Left Hand Southern Arapaho
Coel, Margaret. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 1981.
The Fighting Cheyennes
Grinnell, George Bird. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 1971.
The Cheyenne Indians
Grinnell, George Bird. Volumes I & II. Yale University Press. New Haven, CT. 1923.
The Cheyenne Indians: Their History and Lifeways
Fitzgerald, Joseph A. World Wisdom, Inc. Bloomington, IN. 2008.
Halfbreed: The Remarkable True Story of George Bent – Caught Between the Worlds of the Indian and the White Man
Halaas, David Fridtjof; Masich, Andrew E. Da Capo Press. Cambridge, MA. 2004.
Life of George Bent: Written From His Letters
Hyde, George; Savoie Lottinville, editor. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 1968.
A Northern Cheyenne Album: Photographs by Thomas B. Marquis
Liberty, Margot, editor; Woodenlegs, John, commentator. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 2006
Tell Them We Are Going Home: The Odyssey of the Northern Cheyennes
Monnett, John H. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 2001.
People of the Sacred Mountain: A History of the Northern Cheyenne Chiefs and Warrior Societies 1830 – 1879
Powell, Father Peter John. Harper Collins. 1984.
Sweet Medicine, The Continuing Role of the Sacred Arrows, the Sun Dance, and the Sacred Buffalo Hat in Northern Cheyenne History
Powell, Father Peter John. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 1969
Cheyenne Keeper of the Arrows
Red Hat, William Wayne Jr.; Schlesier, Sibylle M., editor. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 2008.
Cheyenne Memories
Stands in Timber, John; Liberty, Margot. Yale University Press. New Haven, CT. 1967. 2nd edition 1997.
The Arapahoes, Our People
Trenholm, Virginia Cole. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 1970.
Arapaho Journeys: Photographs and Stories from the Wind River Reservation
Wiles, Sara. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 2011.
Other Agency Documents
Report of the John Evans Study Committee
Northwestern University (May 2014)
Report of the John Evans Study Committee
University of Denver (November 2014)
Sand Creek Massacre Commemoration Commission: Report and Recommendations
State of Colorado (November 2014)
Other Resources
Sand Creek Massacre 150th Commemoration Symposium
National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, D.C., October 9, 2014
Rocky Mountain PBS, Colorado Experience, November 2014
The Sand Creek Massacre and the Civil War
National Park Service and Postmodern Productions, November 2014
Sand Creek Massacre National History Site
History Colorado, Denver, 2011
Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Dedication
National Park Service and Postmodern Productions
Only the Earth and the Mountains
Elleni Sclavenitis, 2020
General References
The Sand Creek Massacre: A Documentary History
Carroll, John. Sol Lewis, NY. 1973.
First hand transcripts of over sixty witnesses and attached documents. This is invaluable as a resource because it contains sworn testimonies and affidavits.
The Sand Creek Massacre
Hoig, Stan. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 1961.
Although somewhat dated, his primary research continues to stand the test of time.
A Misplaced Massacre: Struggling over the Memory of Sand Creek
Kelman, Ari, PhD. Harvard U. Press. Cambridge, MA. 2013.
Essential Civil War Curriculum: The Sand Creek Massacre
Kelman, Ari, PhD. Virginia Center for Civil War Studies, Blacksburg, VA. 2018.
Sand Creek: Tragedy and Symbol
Roberts, Gary L. PhD, University of Oklahoma Dissertation. Norman, OK. 1984.
Copies of this document can be found in some libraries.
Massacre at Sand Creek: How Methodists Were Involved in an American Tragedy
Roberts, Gary L., PhD. Abingdon Press. Nashville, TN. 2016.
Commissioned by the United Methodist Church, is full of new and formerly special information from the church archives concerning Gov. John Evans, John Chivington and the church’s influence on both men.
The Essential West
West, Elliott, PhD, Collected Essays, University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. 2012.
In particular read “Called-Out People, The Cheyennes and the Central Plains.”
The Contested Plains: Indians, Goldseekers, & the Rush to Colorado
West, Elliott, PhD. University Press of Kansas. Lawrence, KA. 1998.