Your contribution makes a difference!
Thank you for choosing to honor the legacy of those lost, and those we remember, at Sand Creek.
Through your commitment, donations, and sharing of the Sand Creek Massacre story, you are integral to expanding the awareness and reach of the foundation and our important work.
The Sand Creek Massacre Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your tax-deductible gift supports educational initiatives and outreach that foster understanding and help minimize the chances of similar atrocities from ever happening again.
You may also mail a check to the address at the bottom of the page.
How Your Donation Helps
Support the Center & Education Programming
Assure Tribal Outreach & Involvement
Acquire Research Material & Archival Collections
Our First Donation
The first donation to the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site was authorized by the United Methodist Church General Conference in 2008, and received by NPS in 2011. In 2012, the UMC General Conference engaged in the Act of Repentance to Indigenous People and introduced legislation to continue the process of healing relationships between the church and Native people. The Act of Repentance included an apology for the Sand Creek Massacre, which was considered a microcosm of the church's history of treatment of Native people globally, especially since Col. Chivington was a Methodist minister. During the 150th anniversary of the massacre, the Rocky Mountain Conference of the UMC brought its pilgrimage of over 700 people to Sand Creek.